At the end of April, we presented our work on people's attitudes toward a virtual smoking cessation coach at Persuasive Technology 2023 in Eindhoven!


Based on a longitudinal study with more than 500 daily smokers, we analyzed which factors influence people's relationship and willingness to continue working with the text-based virtual coach Sam. Read more in our paper here:


This paper is joint work by Nele AlbersMark NeerincxNadyne AretzMahira AliArsen Ekinci, and Willem-Paul Brinkman, based on the analyses Nadyne Aretz and Mahira Ali conducted for their Bachelor's theses at Delft University of Technology.

Academic partners

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
Universiteit Leiden
Technische Universiteit Delft
Universiteit Twente
eScience Center