In September 2023, we started a large-scale mixed-methods trial to evaluate the Perfect Fit program and the digital coach to promote smoking cessation and physical activity. We recruited 100 participants for the Perfect Fit program using various recruitment strategies. Simultaneously, we included 5 participants in a smaller trial to assess the feasibility of Perfect Fit in a mental healthcare setting. 


The last participants have recently finished the program and digital coach “Sam” has been taken offline last week. 


The intervention will be evaluated by means of surveys and individual interviews. The follow-up survey data will be collected until June 2025, after which the final results will be processed and analyzed. However, data up until the 2 months follow-up, regarding short-term effects, will be analyzed this year. Feel free to check in on our website once in a while for any updates, or connect to our LinkedIn page: Additionally, you are welcome to attend the Perfect Fit meeting of next year. 


In June 2024, the Perfect Fit consortium meeting took place in Leiden. This was a great opportunity to provide the attendees and our project partners with an update on the project and we reflected on the future directions of the Perfect Fit program. To further investigate the future of Perfect Fit, we will organize a number of interviews with stakeholders, starting this month.


If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to:

Academische partners

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
Universiteit Leiden
Technische Universiteit Delft
Universiteit Twente
eScience Center